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Poster winners for the 19th Annual Scientific Retreat are now posted!

GSR 1-3

Paul Zdinak, BS, MS - 1st Prize Poster Presentation

Kevin Vergara, BS - 2nd Prize Poster Presentation

Alex McPherson, BS - 3rd Prize Poster Presentation


Rhodes Ford, BSc - 1st Prize Poster Presentation

Paolo Vignali, BA - 2nd Prize Poster Presentation

Ansen Burr, BSc - 3rd Prize Poster Presentation


Yutaka Terada, DVM, PhD - 1st Prize Poster Presentation

Felix Aggor, PhD - 2nd Prize Poster Presentation

Angela M. Gocher-Demske, PhD - 3rd Prize Poster Presentation

Oral Presentations

Syed A. Rahman, PhD 

Pamela Brigleb, BS

Ayana Ruffin, BS, MS

Amrita Bhattacharjee, PhD