- Ph.D. - King's College London, United Kingdom (2012-2017)
- Msc - Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Research - King's College (2010-2011)
- Bsc - Medical Laboratory Technology - Christian Medical College, Vellore India (2003-2007)
Education & Training
Representative Publications
1. Manakkat Vijay, G.K. and Singh, H., Cell fate dynamics and genomic programming of plasma cell precursors. Immunol Rev, 2021. 303(1): p. 62-71.
2. Chen, D.*, Wang, Y.*, Manakkat Vijay, G.K.*, Fu, S., Nash, C.W., Xu, D., He, D., Salomonis, N., Singh, H., and Xu, H., Coupled analysis of transcriptome and BCR mutations reveals role of OXPHOS in affinity maturation. Nature Immunology, 2021. 22(7): p. 904-913. (*- co-first authors)
3. Reiman, D.*, Manakkat Vijay, G.K.*, Xu, H., Sonin, A., Chen, D., Salomonis, N., Singh, H., and Khan, A.A., Pseudocell Tracer—A method for inferring dynamic trajectories using scRNAseq and its application to B cells undergoing immunoglobulin class switch