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Tomeka L Suber M.D., Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine

    Education & Training

  • BS,Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002
  • MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2010
  • Ph.D., Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2010
Representative Publications
Suber TL, Nikolli I, O'Brien ME, Londino J, Zhao J, Chen K, Mallampalli RK, Zhao Y. FBXO17 promotes cell proliferation through activation of Akt in lung adenocarcinoma cells. Respir Res. 2018; Oct 25;19(1): 206.
Suber T, Wei J, Jacko AM, Nikolli I, Zhao Y, Zhao J, Mallampalli RK. SCFFBXO17 E3 ligase modulates inflammation by regulating proteasomal degradation of glycogen synthase kinase-3ß in lung epithelia. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2017; 292(18): 7452-7461.
Suber T, Mallampalli RK. An Emerging Role for Megalin as a Regulator of Protein Leak in Acute Lung Injury. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2017; Nov;57(5): 504-505.
Cai J, Wei J, Li S, Suber T, Zhao J. AM966, an Antagonist of Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 1, Increases Lung Microvascular Endothelial Permeability through Activation of Rho Signaling Pathway and Phosphorylation of VE-Cadherin. Mediators Inflamm. 2017; 2017:6893560: Epub2017Feb27.PubMedPMID:28348461.
Research Interests

Dr. Suber studies host defense mechanisms in intrapulmonary bacterial infections that lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome. She has also studied how regulation of protein stability by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway modulates lung epithelial responses during inflammation.